Stories - Rubibi Yarning

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- Rubibi Yarning
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Rubibi Yarning
Rohan Watt
After getting in trouble and hanging with the wrong crowd in school, Rohan shares his struggle of having to move towns and schools and leave his family behind in Alice Springs.
Rubibi Yarning
Bryce Mulardy
Bryce shares his life journey of surviving a childhood of violence, alcohol and a stutter that made him feel different from everyone else.
Rubibi Yarning
Judy Ann Edgar
Judy was given a special name as a child that she never took more seriously than a nickname. This is her experience of discovering how her name was connected to her rayi – a life-giving spirit child.
Rubibi Yarning
Natasha Matsumoto
Natasha grew up away from her traditional country in Boorloo/Perth, not knowing who she was or who her Elders were.
Rubibi Yarning
Eduardo Maher
Eduardo’s experience of hunting for goanna changed his perspective on taking opportunities.
Rubibi Yarning
Maree Edgar
Maree shares the joy of Barrgana season, when her grandfather would take her and other kids to Broome for the legendary Shinju Festival.