Centre for Stories
Stories are at the heart of what we do. The aim of our story archive is to make good stories available to a wide audience in the hope of strengthening connections between people and encouraging a more inclusive and informed community.

Caitlin Kotula
I write to breathe. I write to make sense of a seemingly senseless world. I write to poeticise everything beautiful and horrible in the world and still, despite it all, inspire change and hope. I write for the next girl who dares to pick up a pen.
Holly Dunne
“I want kids to realise that we’ve all got the same things that intimidate us. To realise that you’re not on your own, I think that would help young people a lot… would help everyone a lot probably.”
Special Stories
Maria Danuco
Maria Gultiano shares her story of how trying to feel included, her “FOMO” (fear of missing out) at a mixed-genders onsen while living in Japan didn’t exactly go to plan.
Special Stories
Atlas Pillinger
Atlas Pillinger shares three very different bike rides around Perth and how they were informed not by the external environment, but by their own inner perspectives and feelings.
Special Stories
Pip Ward
Pip Ward reflects on her how inability to trust easily as a child and the constant feeling of walking on eggshells continued well into her adult years.
Truth Telling in Walyalup
Casey Mulder
Casey Mulder shares how many cups of tea and an unusual friendship with an elderly couple in the Kimberley taught her the wisdom of creating safe spaces for Aboriginal stories to be told.
Truth Telling in Walyalup
Phil O'Donoghue
Phil O’Donoghue shares his story of the failure of the Yes for the Voice referendum campaign and advocates for Australians to embrace uncomfortable conversations, political debate and get involved in grassroots activism.
Truth Telling in Walyalup
Holly Story
Holly Story migrated to Perth, Australia as a ‘ten-pound pom’. As she began to ask more questions about Aboriginal cultures, she was shocked to discover a systematic, forced erasure of Aboriginal people and a more nuanced, complex picture of our history.
Truth Telling in Walyalup
Jason Hunter
Jason Hunter shares his journey of learning about the true history of his family: stolen land, people massacred, children stolen, lives controlled.