Portside Review launches first fully bilingual issue

March 4, 2022
Issue Five of Portside Review launched today featuring a fully bilingual edition. Featuring 16 Indonesian writers and translated from Bahasa Indonesia into English, the fifth issue is a celebration of Indonesian literature and the ongoing connections and ties Australia and Indonesia have shared for thousands of years.
Lead by guest editor, Rain Chudori, this is issue explores stories about place and belonging, poems of spirituality and meaning, and conversations exploring the way things work. The issue also features photography by Fahreza Ahmad and illustrations by Paperlily Studio.
Rain Chudori is an Indonesian writer, curator, and actress from Jakarta. She is the founder and curator of Comma Books a publishing division under Penerbit KPG. Her works include ‘Monsoon Tiger and Other Stories’, ‘Imaginary City G’ and ‘Biru dan Kisah-Kisah Lainnya’. Rain’s writing explores themes of emotions, identity and body, heritage, space, and the various states of being.
This special Indonesian-focused issue is possible due to funding from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Australia Indonesia Institute as part of the Centre for Stories’ Lintas Laut project.
Subscribe to Portside Review to access the full fifth issue, and all past issues, or check out this free soundscape produced by the founders of the Arka Kinari project.

Illustration: Paperlily Studio
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