Portside Review – Issue Seven is here
Issue Seven is here! Take a look inside.

September 9, 2022
Centre for Stories is pleased to share our seventh issue of Portside Review.
This issue is all about returning home, reflecting in the mirror glass and drawing our gaze from the ocean to the shoreline. We are so proud of what Portside Review Issue Seven has to offer. With stories of resilience, self-reflection and self-doubt; poems about love, bloodlines and care; and conversations about fighting for the truth and finding the deeper meaning in ghostly tales.
Featuring so many brilliant names from some of the Indian Ocean’s best, this issue is a celebration of what Boorloo (Perth) and the Indian Ocean region has to offer on a globally competitive scale. We’re passionate about sharing multiple voices, so we are pleased to share that this issue has a strong focus on diverse voices (84% diverse backgrounds, 16% First Nations, 20% LGBTQIA+ representation) with over 70% of contributors living and working on Whadjuk Noongar boodjar.
This issue features 25 pieces of prose, poetry, sound pieces, interviews, original illustrations and two photographic collections.
Read the full editorial by Robert Wood.
Subscribe to Portside Review to access the full seventh issue, and all past issues, or check out the FREE content via the Free Reads page.
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